3 Small Changes You Can Make TODAY (and a big one!)

Want to begin helping our environment but don’t know where to start?  Here are 3 small changes to help the environment (and a bonus) you can make today to reduce your impact.

3 small changes to help the environment you can make today!
3 small changes to help the environment you can make today!

1:  Ditch Plastic Shopping Bags

Reusable shopping bags are functional, beautiful, and can hold a lot more than disposable plastic bags.

Look for produce with minimal or no packaging.  Certain vegetables (like mushrooms and potatoes) do better with a breathable paper bag.  For delicate herbs, reusable produce bags are available, or you can sew your own!  To help reduce excessive packaging, vow to #leaveitontheshelf or speak up and let the supermarket know you would prefer alternatives without packaging.

2:  Say No To The Straw

Americans throw out 500 million single use plastic straws every day.  It the Caribbean, these straws either sit in our landfill, or find their way to the ocean where they are mistaken for food by sea turtles.

Remember to let your server know you wont need a straw!  Perhaps alternatives will be offered if enough of us speak up.  For drinks where a straw is an essential, consider stainless steel or glassPaper straws are available for those with sensitive teeth.

3:  Walk With Your Water Bottle

Carrying a stainless steel or glass water bottle is a handy way to stay hydrated throughout the day.  Besides the health benefits of proper hydration, you will also be helping the environment AND your wallet by avoiding buying bottles of water.

Many reusable water bottles are dishwasher safe or easy to clean.  Kleen Kanteen makes a stainless steel range to suit the whole family.

Bonus: Start Composting!

Composting not only drastically reduces your waste going to the landfill, but also creates valuable fertile soil that can be used in your garden.

There are a number of ways to get started.  The most efficient in a small space is a dual chamber compost tumbler.  I add kitchen and garden waste to one side for one month, then I let it mature for another month while I add to the other side.  In two months only mango seeds, avocado pits, and eggshells are recognizable.

It does take some practice to get the right mix of ‘greens’ (vegetable peelings, plant clippings) and ‘browns’ (dried leaves, cardboard) but there is a wealth of information available on the subject online.

Don’t have a compost tumbler?  An old garbage bin – especially that one you want to discard because it leaks –  will do, just mix it with a spade.  The more frequently you mix, the faster it will make compost.

An even easier method is simply digging a hole (or making a pile), filling it with your greens, and covering with enough ‘browns’ to keep pests from digging in the pile.  A year later the worms will have worked their magic and you are ready to plant.

Click here for Composting 101!

Whatever you choose to do, start somewhere.  Every little bit helps!

Which small changes to help the environment have you made today?



* Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.  We may be compensated (at no cost to you) should you decide to buy online.  However, for our St Maarten / St Martin visitors we encourage you to shop local, and every effort has been made to provide a local source.  Please let us know if you want to be included!