Saint Martin & Sint Maarten Recycling Locations

Sint Maarten Recycling Locations

There are not many Sint Maarten Recycling locations, but we will let you know about them as they become available!

Art Craft Cafe and Wastefactory are located between Coffee Lounge and Diamond Casino on Frontstreet.  They collect clean & dry #2 HDPE bottles and all bottle caps, with more recycling options coming soon. Continue reading “Saint Martin & Sint Maarten Recycling Locations”

Plastic Recycling

Single use plastic is polluting our landfill, lungs, and ocean.  Ideally, we will move away from plastics as reusable and compostable alternatives become more widely available.  However, we must recycle the plastic that we already use.  Plastic recycling is becoming more widely available, but one of the greatest challenges is the lack of information about what is actually recyclable at local facilities.  Less than 10% of plastic is recycled in the USA.  If St Maarten wants to do better, we are all going to have to learn a bit about plastic and what can be recycled locally.

Plastic is divided into 7 categories: PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, and ‘Other’.

#1 PET or PETE (Polyethylene terephthalate)

Plastic Recycling #1 PET or PETE
Plastic Recycling #1 PET or PETE

Continue reading “Plastic Recycling”

Waste Management in Saint Martin

It was wonderful to finally hear some facts and figures comparing waste management in Saint Martin with that of the South side in a Parliament Meeting.  There have been complaints of French trucks bringing French waste over the boarder (The Daily Herald, 21st March 2018)  – but few have gone far enough to explain why, until MP Frans Richardson mentioned it in Public Meeting #19.   (Link to the feed here – It starts about 1 hour 12 minutes into the meeting)

Continue reading “Waste Management in Saint Martin”

About Us

Living a greener lifestyle is a constant work in progress.  We are always learning, always evolving, and always striving to make small steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle.


Most changes can’t be made overnight, but every little bit helps.

We hope to inspire you to:

Reduce your waste
‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’.   It starts with the choices we make and the products we buy.  If we reduce the waste that comes into our homes, it will be easier to reuse (repair / fix / re-purpose) what we have and recycle (or compost) what is left over.

It doesn’t matter if it is just one pot of basil, gardening is good for the soul.  Growing food can encourage us to try new things and carefully consider the food we put on the table. Continue reading “About Us”