Did you know that your kitchen sink is a warm wet breading ground for bacteria? An average kitchen sponge can house E. coli, salmonella, and a whole host of bacteria that we don’t really want to keep around in abundance. Here are a few kitchen sponge alternatives, and some reasons why you may want to consider using them Continue reading “Kitchen Sponge Alternatives”
Plastic Free Bathroom
One of the areas we can make the biggest zero waste difference is in our bathrooms. On top of helping the environment, zero waste bathrooms can also save us money. A plastic free bathroom is getting easier and easier, thanks to the increasing global awareness over the fate of much of our plastic waste. Plastic is virtually forever. It doesn’t disappear, it just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. It is in our bodies, our food, our water, and our oceans.
A Greener Clean – Vinegar & Castile soap
All of the makers of commercial cleaners like to convince us that we need 20 different products to keep our houses clean. Many of those products are bad for our bodies, children, pets, the environment, and even our septic tank! In the spirit of minimalism, using less plastic, saving money, and using fewer chemicals, lets take a look at two alternatives; vinegar and castile soap spray.