Batch 2 is Cooking – Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Month 3

After a quiet July, August was a busy month for the Green SXM Pilot Compost Project.   The first batch of compost has been almost entirely used up, and chamber 1 of the composter is now full with batch 2.  Once again, the compost is hot (above 140 degrees Fahrenheit) , and aerated using forced air from a blower, reducing the frequency of turning the pile.

The second batch is full, and composting nicely at a steady 150 degrees Fahrenheit
Green SXM Pilot Compost Project – The second batch is full, and composting nicely at a steady 150 degrees Fahrenheit

Continue reading “Batch 2 is Cooking – Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Month 3”

Sargassum Mulch – Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Week 7

The area in front of the compost bins is either muddy or dusty, with a few opportunistic weeds inbetween.  To help control this, we decided to add sargassum mulch.

Sargassum is best collected by hand just above the surf line – anything above is usually already smelly and full of flies and gnats.

As we were mulching a path, the sargassum wasn’t rinsed.  We applied it 6” thick, working in small patches as collecting seaweed is a heavy job!

Sargassum found in St Maarten
Sargassum found in St Maarten – used here as 6” of mulch.

Continue reading “Sargassum Mulch – Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Week 7”

Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Week 2 Recap & How to Grow Pineapples from Pineapple Tops

Temperatures have remained between 133 and 155 degrees Fahrenheit.  The composter is now just over half full.

Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Week 1 Recap
Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Week 2 Recap.  The pineapple tops from the restaurant waste have been saved to go in the garden.

Continue reading “Green SXM Pilot Compost Project: Week 2 Recap & How to Grow Pineapples from Pineapple Tops”

DIY Rotating Compost Screen – Tutorial

Anyone who has tried to garden in rocky clay-based soils knows the challenge: you need to add organic matter to encourage both water drainage and retention.  We needed an easy way to remove the rocks from the ground, as well as process the large amounts of compost necessary to build healthy soil.  We built a DIY rotating compost screen that is robust enough to sift the soil and also doubles as a workbench.

DIY Rotating Compost Screen Tutorial
DIY Rotating Compost Screen Tutorial

Continue reading “DIY Rotating Compost Screen – Tutorial”

Composting 101

Composting is the process of turning organic matter into soil.  The organic matter in home composting is usually a mix of vegetable trimmings, fruit peels, garden waste, and a small amount of cardboard.  In the tropics, we can compost year round, and the warm ambient temperature helps keep the process moving swiftly. Continue reading “Composting 101”